"Freely you have received, freely give." (Matthew 10:8) DRAWING A YEAR, one day at a time. I have created these images to be shared, free gifts to whoever wants to request one. Please choose the one you want and leave your contact details and comments here. I will mail your chosen image on the basis of first come first served. Like the Fool of the Tarot cards, I, as an artist-maker, step into unknown territory with conscious intent to challenge the market forces dominating the arts at this time. I see it as a daily act of renewed perseverance, free of expectations. My deep interest in Alchemy (Alchemy of the invisible with Jay Ramsay-John & Orna Design 2002), Magic and the Kabbalah guide my way. Thank you for your companionship along the path. |
Genie Poretzky-Lee is an artist maker. An octogenarian she rises daily and goes to her studio to make.
Drawing A Year came out of her desire to give, with no strings attached, a drawing a day to be gifted to anyone who makes a request.The idea of giving has been there since the beginning of time, this work is an acknowledgement of all that is given and all that has been received. In Margaret Atwood's words: "Gifts pass from hand to hand: they endure through such transmission, as every time a gift is given it is enlivened and regenerated through the new spiritual life it engenders in both the giver and in the receiver." (2012). For more information on Genie, see: www.genieporetzky-lee.com |